Wenatchee NF: Cle Elum and Naches Ranger Districts

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The Cle Elum, Roslyn and Kachess Lake areas are home to some world class mountainbiking, and relatively accessible from the Seattle area, making the Cle Elum Ranger District one of the most popular mountain bike destinations in the Cascade range.

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Records 1-10 of 33
Length: Mi
Ride Time: Hrs
National Forest
Ranger District
Incline of Ascent: Pct
Singletrack: Pct
TH Elev.: Ft
Elev. Chg.: Ft
Overall Rating
Page Status
Ravens Roost: M. Fork Little Naches Rvr. 945 Loop Intense 19 4 WA Wenatchee Naches 12% 90 3150 4600 6 6 5 Topo, Guide
Bear Cr. - Mt Clifty 947 Loop Intense 21.5 5 WA Wenatchee Naches 16% 100 3100 7100 6 7 5 Topo, Guide
Quartz Mtn. - Quartz Cr. 949 Loop Intense 21 6 WA Wenatchee Naches 10% 98 2700 6900 6 7 6 Topo, Guide
Little Bald Mt. 961 OAB Intense 18 5 WA Wenatchee Naches 8% 100 2950 4700 6 7 7 Topo, Guide
Crow Cr. - Fifes Rdg. 963 Loop Moderate 19.5 4 WA Wenatchee Naches 7% 100 2700 4000 5 5 5 Topo, Guide
Snoqualmie Rvr. 1003 OAB Moderate 27.5 5 WA Baker Snoqualmie 4% 100 1050 5200 6 4 7 Topo, Guide
Crystal Mt. 1163 Loop Intense 11 3 WA Baker Snoqualmie 10% 85 4000 4700 6 7 5 Topo, Guide
Suntop 1183 Loop Intense 21 6 WA Baker Snoqualmie 14% 90 2100 5600 7 6 7 Topo, Guide
Noble Knob 1184 OAB Intense 11 3 WA Baker Snoqualmie 7% 100 5400 3500 7 6 7 Topo, Guide
Skookum Flats 1194 Loop Easy 10.5 2.5 WA Baker Snoqualmie 6% 100 2100 2400 8 5 8 Topo, Guide
     3.95n/a   91.913133.334880.36.676.586.15n/a
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Trail Rankings

Ranking consistently applied to all of the listed trails.

  • Overall Rating: Ride quality and challenge
  • Aerobic: Ascent challenge
  • Technical Difficulty: Terrain challenge
  • Steepness: Average incline
  • Flow: Uninterrupted riding
  • Elevation Change: Total elevation gain
  • Ride Difficulty: Terrain challenge




Elevation and Incline


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Mtn Goat

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