Overall: 7
Aerobic: 6
Technical: 5
Steepness: 5
Flow: 7
Singletrack: 100%
Although the Stevens Pass Washington Noble Knob Trail is typically used as an access trail for Ranger Creek Tr1197 or Palisades Tr1198, a Dalles Rdg Tr1173 to Noble Knob Tr1184 OAB ridgeline ride offers great views of the surrounding area and plenty of terrain variety along the way.
Elevation Change
Ascent Incline
White River Trails
About 1.5hrs from downtown Seattle, the White River area trails are extremely popular...and happen to also cover some great terrain.
Skookum Flats Tr1194 can be ridden nearly all year, although the glacial water flow of the White River demands some thermal protection most of the year. The higher elevation trails become available when the snow melts (April-July).
The other major rides in the area are Crystal Mt Tr1163, Noble Knob Tr1184, Palisades Tr1198, Ranger Cr Tr1197 and Suntop Tr1183.
Noble Knob Tr1184 can be combined with Deep Cr Tr1196 as a 10mi (4400' ascent) CCW loop, requiring either a shuttle or a 4.8mi, FR7174 3300' ascent.
Deep Cr Tr1196 starts with rooty waterbars and a rutted trail surface which eases into smooth singletrack.
OAB Directions
The Greenwater Lakes Tr1176 TH and the Corral Pass CG serve as the north and south trailheads for a section of Norse Peak Wilderness, over to the Pacific Crest Tr2000-I.
Naches Tr1175 is open to biking from FR7065 to the Naches Pass, and (along with Pyramid Peak Tr941) leads to the Bear Creek Tr943 ride.
Greenwater Lakes Tr1176 is the main N-S trail, along with Pacific Crest Tr2000-I, with Maggie Creek Tr1186, Arch Rock Tr1187, Tin Shack Tr1165 and Castle Mountain Tr1188 connections to the PCT.
The unmaintained Maggie Creek Tr1186 can be a navigational and hiking challenge, with a hazardous Greenwater River crossing near the intersection with Greenwater Lakes Tr1176. These trails all venture through old-growth timber, with very steep grades on the ascent options to the PCT ridgeline.
Trail Index
Dalles Ridge Trail 1173, Deep Creek Trail 1196, Noble Knob Trail 1184, Palisades Trail 1198, Ranger Creek Trail 1197
Arch Rock Trail 1187, Castle Mountain Trail 1188, George Lake Trail 1184.1, Greenwater Lakes Trail 1176, Lost Lake Trail 1185, Maggie Creek Trail 1186, Naches Trail 1175, Pacific Crest Tr2000-I, Rainier View Trail 1155, Tin Shack Trail 1165
The Dalles Campground, Silver Springs Campground, Corral Pass Campground, White River Campground
Trail Rankings
Ranking consistently applied to all of the listed trails.