Wanoga: COD, Funner, Tiddlywinks Trails

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3D view of Cascade Lakes Highway Trail #71

Overall: 7

Aerobic: 6

Technical: 6

Steepness: 5

Flow: 8

Singletrack: 100%

Virtually all of the new area trail development is in the area south of the Cascade Lakes Hwy, driven by COTA (with forest service approval of course). Funner and Tiddlywinks were followed by Steve Larsons, Catch and Release, Duodenum and Tylers Traverse. Kiwa Butte and Dinah Moe Humm extend south to the Edison-Lava Tr31. 3PSI and the Wanoga Outer Loop are intended to be for wintertime fat-tire biking.




Avg: 28mi



Elevation Change

Avg Ascent:3100'

Ascent Incline



Avg: 6hr





View of the Wanoga Sno Park

Built by mountain bikers, the (Bend Oregon Deschutes National Forest) Funner and Tiddlywinks rides have plenty of banked corners, technical sections, log rides and rock jumps.

Funner is combined with COD Tr71 to create the 'Cascade Lakes Highway Trail'. The ride can be extended to Mt Bachelor using Wanoga Sno-Park trails and shuttled as one of several Bachelor To Bend rides.

The Swampy-Dutchman Tr40 page covers the 'official' Bachelor To Bend ride.

The 11mi (1400' ascent) Tiddlywinks to Funner CCW loop could be ridden CW but the Funner terrain is an easier climb, and most riders will be going CW so if there is traffic then go with the flow..

Note: Both Funner and Tiddlywinks are fast downhill rides, so watch for oncoming traffic. Consider using FR4613 for the ascent and be aware of side routes which are intended for downhill only.

Kiwa Butte, Tylers Traverse and Steve Larsons create a substantial extension of Tiddlywinks, with a CW Doudenum loop as a further extension. Lone Wolf is an advanced DH section with some jumps then a 5' cliff drop. Tylers Traverse has an uphill and downhill section, with a two-way section extending over to the TH with Catch and Release.

Dinah Moe Humm connects to Edison-Lava Tr31.

View of the Welcome Center COD TH

Adding COD Tr71 and Storm King Tr48 to the ride increases the length and terrain to something worthy of 'destination ride' status, but the Wanoga trails are enough for a full days ride. Eastern Funner 'Green Gate' TH.


COD Tr71 is also covered on the Phils Tr42 page as a loop with Grand Slam Tr44, and on the Deschutes Tr2 page, so that portion of the ride overlaps with several other great loop rides and can be added to Funner and Tiddlywinks to create a figure-8 loop.

If riding from the Wanoga Sno-park THView of Wanoga Sno-park TH
View of Wanoga Sno-park TH
, the Tiddlywinks TH is near the restroom building, at the SE end of the parking area.

Funner is located near the NE corner, starting on the doubletrack at the edge of the parking lot.

Directions: See map. Ride from the Wanoga Sno-Park TH or one of the COD Tr71 TH, with many ways to shuttle as well. View Larger Map. No Map?.

Cascade Lakes Highway Topo Map

Loop Directions

tiddlywinks funner

Cascade Lakes Highway Area Topo Map

  • TH: Ride from the Woodside Loop Rd TH, or the KGB Tr72 TH. Reach another small Cascade Hwy TH at 1mi, then hike-a-bike .3mi up a steep hillside. After a brief section of technical singletrack, pass the Elfin Magic Tr45 #23 intersection on the right at 1.7mi, bearing left to stay on COD Tr71. Cross a doubletrack at 2.1mi and approach the Cascade Hwy at 3.2mi. The ride then parallels the highway as it steeply ascends a drainage, reaching FR4615 at 5.2mi after completing the steepest climb of the ride.
  • 7.5mi: Go left onto Storm King Tr48 at #32 intersection, cross the Cascade Hwy then ride to the Funner #34 intersection.
  • 8.3mi: Go right onto Funner at the #34 intersection and ascend gradually in a parallel track with the Cascade Hwy alongside Big Spring. Cross FR4613 at 9.2mi, with the ascent moderating at 10.7mi, then cross FR4614 at 11.7mi.
  • 12.5mi: At the Wanoga Sno-park TH, bear left around the restroom building to find the Tiddlywinks TH. Cross FR4614 at 12.9mi and FR4613 at 14.7mi, over relatively level terrain. Climb to the Kiwa Butte ride summit at 15.4mi, followed by a wild, 4mi corkscrewing descent to intersection #34. View of Tiddlywinks Y intersection
  • 19.4mi: Go left onto Storm King Tr48 at #34 intersection and return on COD Tr71 or extend the ride by using Grand Slam Tr44 to Elfin Magic Tr45 to COD Tr71 as the return.



Trail Index

This Ride

Catch and Release, COD Trail 71, Dinah Moe Humm, Doudenum, Funner, Kiwa Butte, Storm King Trail 48, Tiddlywinks, Tylers Traverse

Snow Biking

3psi, Wanoga Outer Loop


Knotweed Trail 30.1, Lower Loop Trail 40.1, Lupine Trail 34, Manzanita Trail 36, Meissner Snowshoe Trail 91, Nordeen Loop Trail 31, Paintbrush Trail 38, Penstemon Trail 33, Swampy Snowshoe Trail 92, Tangent Loop Trail 30, Shooting Star Trail 39, Snowbush Trail 37, Wednesdays Trail 32, Wild Strawberry Trail 32.5

Deschutes River Campgrounds

Aspen Campground, Benham Falls Campground, Dillon Falls Campground, Lava Island Campground, Meadow Campground, Siough Campground

Trail Rankings

Ranking consistently applied to all of the listed trails.

  • Overall Rating: Ride quality and challenge
  • Aerobic: Ascent challenge
  • Technical Difficulty: Terrain challenge
  • Steepness: Average incline
  • Flow: Uninterrupted riding
  • Elevation Change: Total elevation gain
  • Ride Difficulty: Terrain challenge