Sahalie Falls to Umbrella Falls Tr667

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3D view of Sahalie Falls Trail #667C to Umbrella Falls Trail #667

Overall: 4

Aerobic: 7

Technical: 6

Steepness: 7

Flow: 4

Singletrack: 100%

Mount Hood Oregon Sahalie Falls Trail combines with Umbrella Falls Tr667 to make a short CW loop, with the two falls to add to the scenery of this non-destination ride.




Avg: 3.5mi



Elevation Change

Avg Ascent875'

Ascent Incline



Avg: 1hr





The nearby nordic center has some XC Ski trails to wander around on, and the ski resort has some access roads which can be used to create a 9mi figure 8 loop.

For the amount of climbing involved, Gunsight Tr485 or High Prairie Tr639 offer much more terrain than this loop.

Climb around Mt Hood Meadows? Feel free to skip this portion of the ride.

Find the south service road near the lift, ascend to the top. Pass by the two chairlifts (quad and dual), then take the service road back to the resort parking lot.


Mount Hood Wilderness Hiking

Timberline Trail 600, Pacific Crest Trail 2000-G and surrounding trails form a hub and spoke trail system around Mount Hood in classic Pacific Northwest trails circumnavigating Mount Hood with alpine vistas, waterfalls, alpine meadows and west side Cascade forest.

This section of the Pacific Crest Trail extends from Barlow Pass to Lolo Pass, with Timberline Trail 600 surrounding the north and east sides of Mount Hood at the treeline, from Yocum Ridge to Timberline Lodge.

Timberline Trail 600 was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930’s, with challenging glacial-fed drainages crossing Newton, Coe, Muddy Fork, Sandy and White Rivers.

Wilderness permits are required and locator beacons are suggested. Mount Hood Summit info.

The large Area Maps on the following pages cover most of this trail system Tilly Jane Trail 643, East Fork Trail 650, Pioneer Bridle Trail 795 Timberline Glade Trail 661.

Elk Meadows Tr645 traverses the eastern flank of Mount Hood alongside Bluegrass Ridge Tr647.

From Elk Meadows Tr645, Newton Creek Tr646 provides a steep (1000' in 1.8mi) access to Timberline Trail 600.

Between Cloud Cap and Newton Creek (6mi), Timberline Trail 600 has one unbridged stream crossing, at Newton Creek, which can be challenging depending on weather conditions. Expect early season snow field crossings at higher elevations, requiring careful footing. There are a few established campsites, near Gnarl ridge and on the south side of Newton Creek crossing. The 5.6mi section from Newton Creek to the Pacific Crest Tr2000-G crosses the unbridged Clark Creek and White River, which can be difficult-to-dangerous. Water flow increases during the day, due to rising temperatures, so early morning is the best time to attempt those water crossings.

Directions: SR35S to FR3545, the Mt Hood Meadows Nordic Center entrance. Go .4mi to the Sahalie Falls FR3545 TH. View Larger Map. No Map?.

Sahalie Falls Trail 667C to Umbrella Falls Trail 667 Topo Map

Loop Directions

the scenic tour

Umbrella Falls Area Topo Map

  • TH: From the nordic center, or from the Sahalie Falls FR3545 THView of the Sahalie Falls TH
    View of the Sahalie Falls TH
    , go on Sahalie Falls Tr667C. Cross a tributary of Meadow Creek at 1.1mi.
  • 1.6mi: Option to go left onto Umbrella Falls Tr667, 0.4mi to the falls area. Otherwise, go right and descend the ridgeline. Pass a nordic center access trail at 2.8mi, then go right onto the nordic trails at 3mi and wander back to the TH.



Trail Rankings

Ranking consistently applied to all of the listed trails.

  • Overall Rating: Ride quality and challenge
  • Aerobic: Ascent challenge
  • Technical Difficulty: Terrain challenge
  • Steepness: Average incline
  • Flow: Uninterrupted riding
  • Elevation Change: Total elevation gain
  • Ride Difficulty: Terrain challenge