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Whypass Mountain Biking and Hiking Topo Map

Map includes Alpha Trail, B-Line Trail, Bloody Stump Trail, Boneyard Trail, Boundary Trail, Brad's Bad Gravity Trail, Burial Ground Trail, Can't Be Done Trail, Don Sled Trail, DZ Trail, Love Connection Trail, Egress Trail, Eric's Hole Trail, Fun Girl Trail, Letz Peek Trail, Lollipop Trail, Mama Tried Trail, Micronet Trail,Moms Muffins Trail, More Play Trail, Moto Alley Trail, Northridge Trail, NRA Trail, Ode To Joy Trail, Salal Trail, Silver Bullet Trail, Snake Path Trail, Soft Opening Trail, SST Trail, Stumps Don't Win Trail, The Gift Trail, Tree Hugger Trail, Tree Prison Trail, Whole Nine Yards Trail, Your Sister Trail Mountain Bike, Hiking and Equestrian trails

TH: Ascend Boundary then descend Northridge and Tree Hugger. Either ride the main road to the Yellow Gate, or use BLM 20-5-23 and some connector trails (not shown), which output to the main road near Boundary.

2mi: At the Yellow Gate TH, decend Can't Be Done, then consider a few runs on Snake Path, Ode to Joy, The Gift and Silver Bullet, with a Lollipop ride (to turn the bike around).

3.5mi: Traverse the hill on Boneyard, then go right on BLM 20-5-27.5 (or Letz Peek) to Salal (or Burial Ground) and descend to the lower road (BLM 20-5-27.2).

5.6mi: Go Left on the road to the upper road (BLM 20-5-27.5), then to the Carpenter Bypass Rd, and go right to BLM 20-5-35.0, go left and onto Fun Girl. An option prior to riding the southern section, is to descend Bloody Stump and Don Sled, then get back to the main road.

7.4mi: Go left onto BLM 20-5-35.0, then left onto Fun Girl. Descend to BLM 20-5-25.2. Go left (downhill) to B-Line and Your Sister, returning to the main road. Option to loop Moms Muffins along the way.

10mi: Cross the main road and traverse the hillside on Alpha, with a loop option on Erics Hole. Go left (north) on the main road to DZ, then MorePlay, Tree Prison and Moto Alley back to the TH.


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 Whypass Area Topo Map