Middle Trail, Pacific Crest Trail and Service Trail Area Mountain Biking and Hiking Topo Map

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Map includes: Cultus Creek Trail 108, East Crater Trail 48, Filloon Trail 102, Indian Heaven Trail 33, Lemei Trail 34, Lemei Lake Trail 179, Middle Trail 26, Pacific Crest Trail 2000-H and Service Trail 35 Mountain Biking and Hiking Trails.

TH: Cross Deadhorse Meadow to FR8831

2.1mi: Go across FR8831 then cross Smoky Creek. Cross FR152 and FR158 then reach Middle Tr26.

4.1mi: Service Tr35 ends near the Little Goose Campground, and ride continues on Middle Tr26. Cross several branches of Little Goose Creek then cross FR020 at 5.8mi.

6.7mi: Short climb out of the Cultus Creek drainage, then cross FR091 and FR100, and drop into the Meadow Creek marsh area.

7.3mi: Climb 820' to the top of the Surprise Lakes Butte, to the upper Middle Tr26 TH, near the Surprise Lakes Campground. Return.


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Cultus Creek Trail 108, East Crater Trail 48, Filloon Trail 102, Indian Heaven Trail 33, Lemei Trail 34, Lemei Lake Trail 179, Middle Trail 26, Pacific Crest Trail 2000H, Service Trail 35 Area Topo Map