Woods Line Biking and Hiking Topo Map

TH: Ride from Beatty Station, crossing the Sprague River and passing the Sycan Siding. Cross several roads then reach Fivemile Creek at 8.5mi, crisscrossing the creek for a few miles.

19.8mi: Cross FR27 and pass the Horseglade TH. Pass FR30 at 23mi, reaching Merritt Creek trestle at 27mi.

34mi: Reach the Sycan River. Take a break at the Sycan Marsh then return to the TH.

Mosquitoes are ferocious in this area until August. Feel free to try the natural repellents, and avoid drinking carbonated drinks prior to riding, but Deet 100 may be the only protection from 'the swarm'. Expect some trailside poison oak and prepare as needed. Try using Tecnu before the ride.


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Woods Line Area Topo Map