Lemish Lake to Charlton Lake Area Mountain Biking and Hiking Topo Map

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Map includes Charlton Lake Trail 19, Clover-Lemish Trail 18, Clover Meadow Trail 21, Lily Lake Trail 19.3, Metolius-Windigo Trail 99, Pacific Crest Trail 2000-E Mountain Biking and Hiking Trails.

Oregon Timber Trail: Charlton Lake Trail 19 is part of the Cascade Peaks route.

TH: Ride Clover-Lemish Tr18 .5mi, then go through the intersection with Metolius-Windigo Tr99 and ride around the west side of Lemish Lake. The ascent remains steady, with a few breaks along the way, until 2.6mi.

3.4mi: After crossing several creeks and a bridge, pass through the 4-way intersection with Clover Meadow Tr21 and Lily Lake Tr19.3. Lily Lake Tr19.3 ascends to PCT and is a nice spur trail option. From the 4-way intersection, descend to a Charlton Creek tributary at 4.7mi, then climb the steepest section of the ride (300' in .6mi). That as tough as this ride gets.

5.1mi: After a gradual ascent, cross FR4290 and ride around the west side of Charlton Lake, then ascend to the ride summit at 6.7mi.

7.7mi: Descend to Metolius-Windigo Tr99 and begin the descent back to the TH, past Round Meadow, Long Meadow and through the FR4290 intersection at 10.7mi.

11.2mi: Pass the Clover Meadow Tr21 intersection on the left and continue the descent to Lemish Lake and back to the TH.


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Charlton Lake Trail 19, Clover-Lemish Trail 18, Clover Meadow Trail 21, Lily Lake Trail 19.3, Metolius-Windigo Trail 99 Trails Area Topo Map